Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sprouting Seeds in a cup

1. Start with a 16 oz plastic cup. Label the type of seed you are going to plant on the outside of the cup with a black marker.
2. Cut holes in the bottom of the cup with scissors. If you cut along the bottom corner, it is fairly easy to do. This allows for good drainage.
3. Put a good quality potting soil in a bucket. Add water and stir to create a consistent damp to wet mixture.
4. Fill the cup to within 3/4 inch of the top of the cup with the damp potting soil.
5. Place the seeds on top and cover with a small amount of potting soil according to the size of the seed.
6. Cover the top of the cup with clear plastic wrap and seal it in place with a rubber band.
7. Put the cup in a aluminum cooking sheet to catch any draining water.
8. Place in a location with 70 to 80 degree temperatures. It doesn't have to be in the dark.
9. After a few days immediately upon the emergence of the seed, remove the plastic wrap and put in a window where it will receive sunlight.
10. Cut a plastic milk jug in strips. Label the name of the plant seedling on the plastic strip and stick into the cup.
11. Transplant in the garden when the true leaves appear or when the temperature is right.
12. Do not feed the plant anything but water until the true leaves appear. After that you can feed with a very light solution of fertilizer.

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