I have wanted to try Vermicomposting for a long time. Finally I purchased some worms through the mail. There are many internet sites where you can learn all about worms and where to purchase them. This is one of the many sites for
WORMS. I quote them here:
"Two breeds are used in vermicomposting: Eisenia foetida or Lumbricu rubella. Worm populations double each month. Mature redworms make two or three capsules a week, each producing two or three hatchlings after about three weeks. The hatchlings are tiny white threads about half an inch long, but they grow fast, reaching sexual maturity in four to six weeks and making their own capsules. Three months later they're grandparents!
This rapid breeding rate means the worm population easily adjusts to conditions in the worm box according to the feed supply and the proportion of worm casts to feed and bedding---their casts are slightly toxic to them, and as the box gets "full" they'll either leave, if there's anywhere for them to go, or they'll die off."
I include a picture of me receiving 2 lbs of "Eisenia foetide" in a plastic bag and a picture where I have dumped them into their new home. Their new home is a wooden sided box I built from scrap lumber held together with metal braces.
I have had them for a month. I was keeping a lid on the box, but ended up throwing so much garden waste into the box it is over flowing.
I am really worried about what is going to happen to my worms in the fierce Mesa, Arizona heat when the ambient temperature is well over 100 degrees. I put the box under a tree and have a long needle thermometer to monitor the inside temperature. I am hoping for the best. If you have a good idea how to keep them cool---let me know.
25 April 2011
The great Wally's Worm experimental is over! This is what went wrong. Generally speaking we have had pretty mild temperatures so far. However, I found the temperature reaching near 100 degrees F inside the box due to composting material. When that happened all the worms migrated as far from the middle of the box as they could hugging the outside boards. I watered the box which dropped the temperature. The worms seems really happy generally speaking, but then I noticed a lot of fruit lies and it was starting to stink. Then this morning I opened the lid and found a great big cockroach. I haven't seen a cockroach around here for a long time. That was the final straw. I dug a hole in one of the rows of my garden and dumped the whole pile into the ground. I think the worms will be happier and I know my wife is a LOT happier.
So ends the worms experiment. I know some people are doing it successfully, but I certainly haven't learned how to do it. Maybe another day.