Friday, August 7, 2015

Rocket Stove and Storm Wall

We have been busy at HHEF the last 2 weeks.  We built a Rocket Stove and a Storm Wall along the north side of the house to protect the basement window wells from the big storm if we ever have one again.  The huge storm that hit Mesa last year came very close to sending tons of water down our window wells to the basement.  That would have been real bad.  The following a few pictures of our activities and the beginning of a chicken coop.
Rocket Stove.  
Pipe on the side for lifting and carrying.
Removable tin wind shield
Metal stove top embedded in concrete

Storm wall with flower pots
"A" Frame Chicken Coop
I have just started this project.  After analyzing 4 different designs including the famous Dominican Republic design, I concluded an "A" frame suits my budget and purposes best.
Future posts will so how it turned out.

1 comment:

  1. Looks very nice. Lots of experiments going on....I need more pictures of the rocket stove. How does it work?
